16 Apr 2018

Locally sourced

It is been quite exciting any time I get a new Profile Magazine. There is a variety of points that I enjoy very much. It started two or three editions back.

Originally from Brazil, I am now based in Noosa and I am an English student here. So I need to read in English as much as I can. That is not always a very pleasant time because it may become hard. But it has excellent content and design that makes it much more exciting! It feels very enjoyable handling a real paper magazine instead of being only digital. On top of it, I can get it for free.

I truly believe in this kind of communication empowering our local community sharing our wealth.

Despite feeling bombed with a lot of poor information quality in the majority communications channels, getting this magazine made me feel coming back to my roots where we can be locally well connected maintaining the power as a community. It feels back to the roots when we all were looking after our neighbours, playing together at the streets. It makes me feel there is still hope to live a good life where we care about the others and share our best.

That is an amazing resource for my studies and also to get well connected with the best on the Sunshine Coast.


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