21 Apr 2021

Uma emoção achar essas fotos! Carnaval em Santa Teresa - Rio de Janeiro/2009
Uma explosão de alegria... não sei definir. Muita coisa mudou pra mim depois desse carnaval e esse ano que eu morei em Santa Teresa.

30 Dec 2020

Overland Track

 Dezembro 2020 - Tasmânia - Austrália

11 Jun 2020

Minha experiência com Vipassana

(for english use the translator on the right side menu)
collage by Joana Coccarelli
                Você conhece a meditação Vipassana? Eu conheci essa técnica no comecinho dos anos 2000 quando minha querida prima Larissa recém-chegada de uma temporada na Índia veio me contando sobre tal técnica e eu jamais poderia esperar que haveria um centro no Brasil e muito menos em Miguel Pereira no Rio de Janeiro, ou seja, bem pertinho de mim e viável de ir.
                Nessa época acho que meditação não era um tema tão recorrente na minha vida cotidiana como é hoje. A internet estava começando a se popularizar e os telefones celulares só tinham o joguinho da minhoquinha. Nesse cenário, passar 10 dias num retiro e em silencio parecia um Saara em meio a minha confusão mental e um ambiente que eu vivia onde o autoconhecimento era uma questão de outro planeta de tão fora do contexto que tudo isso parecia. Parecia hype e cool para uma menina com seus 20 e pouquíssimos que estava buscando um estilo de vida diferente. (sempre fui meio diferentona  :p )

1 Jun 2020

Simple way of life inspiration

            I am always fascinated with Tiny Houses projects and the simple way of life it brings along. During some 5 years, I've lived in a tiny house myself. And can´t agree more with the change it makes in your lifestyle. It was an experience I liked pretty much and I am very keen to move into another again. 
            Although this next time, I will become a bit more off the grid in my life in general. I have been deeply changed by the current world situation so now I urge to reduce radically and as much possible my footprint. In that way, I want to build a self-sustained Tiny House on a hands-on project. I am watching several youtube videos to be inspired by and the lady from the below video took my attention because she was 62 by the time she decided to put a turning point on her life building her own tiny house and to the way of life she easily committed to. I got fascinated with her ability to let things go and deal with the changes in its challenges. Even though she could have those core emotions related with our habits we get used to as we age. Changing can be very daunting when you are in your 60's.
Wanna inspire yourself?


27 May 2020

How the events will look like after Covid-19

(para português use o tradutor na barra lateral do site)
               The world has been under constant uncertainty since we as humanity started to face this unpredictable crisis with Covid-19. By now we know that our “normal” world is not going to look as normal as it used to be. Somehow it can have several benefits from a broader and environmental perspective in general if we take this time to reflect and change a variety of habits we used to have.
            Since my late 20’s I have been working as a Conference and Events Organiser and have been enjoying and acquiring some good experience in my history, Although, right now I am very skeptical of how the future scene is going to be for that profession. There are plenty of articles out there with ideas, prospects, and possibilities. However, I intend to briefly describe my experience in my first event after the restrictions are been lifted and step by step we are finding our way again.

19 May 2020

My travels around the world

13 May 2020

Endeless love

I woke up this morning with this gift
made by my 10 years old niece.
She is so lovely!